This project involved the valuation of 13 NSW properties, 8 ACT properties, 3 Melbourne metropolitan and 3 rural Victorian properties in addition to 2 properties in Queensland for financial reporting purposes.
These properties comprised of a mixture of commercial property, primarily of car yards and prestige car showrooms of various size and construction. They were often located within prime commercial precincts, with the “Lexus Centre” based in Elizabeth Street, Melbourne and the “Porsche Centre”, Gold Coast being indicative of the calibre of properties within the portfolio.
This project required particular expertise in valuations for Financial Reporting, under the Australian Accounting Standards Board – Property, Plant & Equipment (A.A.S.B.116) and incorporated significant, multi-state, project management. The project, completed within 2 months, involved extensive travel between 4 states, included 4 full-time Valuers and 1 Project Manager.